The Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem is an international chivalric organisation primarily established to aid and assist in Hospitaller and philanthropic work in the various continents in which it operates. Its Grand Priories and Commanderies are very active throughout the world and are autonomous in their operations related to their particular jurisdiction. In these pages, the Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem projects some, certainly not all, of the major Lazarite events happening around the world by means of its teams of officers.
Click on the below links to learn more about the Order's international events and initiatives.
First International Lazarite Symposium -18th to the 22nd April 2012
The International Lazarite Symposium Investiture - The biggest investiture to be ever executed in these last few years anywhere: This photo says it all, even though the depth of the Sacra Infermeria made it virtually impossible to capture the entire congregation in one snapshot.
Click Here for a Full Photo Exhibition of this unique event
Third International Hospitallers' Congress, Including the Physicians' Round Table - 28 to the 31st of January 2016
The 3rd International Hospitallers' Congress, including the Tampa Physicians' Round Table, was held in Tampa, Florida on a four day program between the 28th to the 31st of January 2016. More than 230 delegates from 28 different jurisdictions attended the Congress, which was professionally organized by the officers of the Sacred Medical Order of the Knights of Hope. In this Congress, more emphasis was given to the interventions of specialised professionals within the Order who propounded the latest medical discoveries and achievements and how these can be juxtaposed to the needy and vulnerable throughout the jurisdictions. This was done by means of the well-attended daily conferences and the specialised workshops throughout the days in question.
Click Here for a Full Photo Exhibition of this unique event
Fourth International Hospitallers' Congress - 29th April to the 1st of May 2016
The 4th International Hospitallers Congress, was held in Malta on a three day program between the 29th of April and the 1st of May 2016. More than 450 delegates from sixteen different jurisdictions attended the Congress. The Congress included a packed investiture service at the Church of St. Joseph in Rabat, Malta; a number of conferences focusing on the subject of inclusion initiatives and independent living operations for the vulnerable, disadvantaged and the disabled; unveiling of a permanent marker of the Congress in the town of M'Scala and an informative session on the emergency rescue and response setup the Order has in the island of Gozo.
Click Here for a Full Photo Exhibition of this unique event
In February 2017, the Saint Lazarus Foundation co-hosted a European Conference on Inclusive Workplaces for delegates from all across Europe entitled ‘Employment of Persons with Disabilities in the Labour Market.’ The Conference was a huge success, with over 200 delegates from the European national disability federations and the European assisted employment organisations participating. The event was co-hosted with the European Union of Supported Employment and the European Disability Forum, the latter in which the Foundation is an active member of. The President of the European Disability Forum, Yannis Vardakastanis and hailing from Greece, is a Knight Grand Cross of Merit of the Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus.
Upcoming Events
2020 Highlights - As sanctioned in January 2018 by the office of the Grand Chancellor
April 17, 18, 19th, 2020
The International Lazarite Symposium – Malta
Consecrations and Appointments of Grand Priories and Priories:
Albania, Austria, Balearic Islands, Belarus, Liechtenstein, Poland, Sri Lanka
The Completion of the EduGHANA Campaign for the upgrading of primary and secondary schooling in the province of Godenu in Ghana – April 2020
Memorandum of Understanding between the Order of St. Lazarus and the International Flame of Peace Movement.
HIRH Herta Margarete Habsburg-Lothringen, Leader of the International Flame of Peace Movement with the Grand Marshal of the United Grand Priories, the Chev. Peter Neuen KCLJ KMLJ
The Knights, Dames and Postulants of these jurisdictions will be notified by their juridical superiors at least two months before the investiture date, as per administrative decrees issued by the Grand Chancery